Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chapter 7: Hidden Agenda

A hidden agenda is a concept which stuck out to me while reading chapter 7. A hidden agenda is a personal goal that lies below th surfae and that can get in the way of group performance. The book says this is most important to avoid disruptive individual roles such as a hidden agenda. I found interesting is that it also states hidden agendas can be helpful to a group goal.

Being in a group is at times most difficult. You have different personalities, different schedules, and different skills all mixed into one. It can either be toxic to a goal or a blessing. Hopefully everyone's agenda is positive for the group because if it is not, there could be a lot of issues. Usually if each person has a common goal like an A on the project, hidden agendas are not always an issue. Sometimes i think classmates hidden agenda's are to do the least amount of work possible and be out of reach until the day before a presentation or the due date.

Personally, I do not feel like i have a hidden agenda while i am in a group, maybe to just not mess up during a presentation or to be well prepared in case someone doesnt show, or the power point doesnt work, I tend to look out for myself more because I can control what i bring to the group or the team but i cant control what others do or do not bring as well.

1 comment:

  1. A Hidden Agenda is a very interesting concept that I did not really know about until reading this chapter.I have tried to steer away from group projects because dealing with a group can sometimes be very difficult and can take away from the project itself. There is always someone in the group that take a hold of the project and then there is always someone who doesn't do ANYTHING. I would just rather do the project myself and take full credit for it. I also tend to look out for myself more because I can control what I bring to the group or the team but I can't control what other do or do not bring as well.
